
Yoga for Runners
Harness the power of Baptiste Yoga to recover from the stresses and strains created by the repetitive linear motion of running and to prepare yourself for your next big run.

Foundations of Flow
SOLD OUT! Join us for a workshop geared toward creating a strong foundation for a lifelong practice.

21 Day Challenge
Begin your new year with a commitment to your practice for 21 days and see how bright you'll shine. If you’re really looking to transform your body, your spirit, and your life, do power yoga every day—you’ll be amazed by what happens!

Yoga for Runners
Create ease, empowerment, and possibility in your running and your life with Baptiste Power Yoga.

Intro to Arm Balances & Inversions
Mystified by Crow? Always wanted to try Headstand but don’t know where to begin? This workshop will give you step-by-step guidance to get off your feet and take flight.

Show Up and Shine 21-Day Challenge
Begin the year with a commitment to showing up on your mat and shining bright!

New Fall Schedule!
Hello, Fall! As of Saturday, September 16th, we are implementing our new fall schedule. On Mondays and Fridays, the 12pm Hour of Power is back, as well as on Saturdays at 4:30pm. We look forward to seeing you soon! Check out our full schedule.