Naima Workman
I arrived at my first Baptiste Power Yoga class in 2002, when a friend brought me to one of the original Baptiste studios in Boston. I was looking for a good way to stay in shape, and instead I found a practice that would completely transform my life.
I started running long distance when I was 11 and enjoyed the physical challenge and the success, but did not enjoy the injuries that left me limping by the end of high school. When I went to college, my physical discipline went out the window. Needless to say, by the time I graduated, my mind was overloaded and my body neglected.
When I first encountered Baptiste Yoga in Boston, I felt like I had discovered a home I hadn’t known existed. Although it kicked my butt (and still continues to do so!), I felt invigorated in mind and body. As I continued to practice, I realized that I had to share my discovery and signed up for my first teacher training with Baron Baptiste in 2006. I have been a certified Baptiste Power Vinyasa Yoga teacher since 2010. In 2007, I quit my job as a graphic designer and moved to Northampton, MA, to open Shiva Shakti Power Yoga with Brandon.
In my classes, I encourage students to challenge themselves and to discover the tools they need to explore on their own. I look at teaching as just another step in my studentship and an opportunity to share my experiences of growth and discovery.